In this article, we will look at what drugs to take for vertigo with cervical osteochondrosis, learn how to get rid of vertigo with cervical osteochondrosis, and analyze what exercises to do for vertigo with cervical osteochondrosis.
26 March 2024
Thoracic osteochondrosis has typical and atypical symptoms and signs. It is often "masked" as other diseases, which leads to diagnostic problems.
10 January 2024
What do you need to know about back pain? Why your back hurts: causes and signs. How to recognize the disease according to the type of pain. Methods of diagnosis and treatment.
2 January 2024
Why does my neck hurt? Types and causes of pain in the cervical spine. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neck pain.
24 December 2023
Osteochondrosis of the cervical region: causes of manifestation. Features of the course and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.
7 October 2022
Methods of treating osteochondrosis with folk remedies. General principles of therapy, the most effective recipes and recommendations for their use.
6 August 2022
Causes and symptoms of pain in the joints of the fingers. Diagnostic methods. Effective methods of treatment.
28 July 2022
Main causes, frequency and risk factors for back pain in the lumbar region. Diagnosis of possible diseases and ways to eliminate pain.
24 July 2022
Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is one of the most common types of disease. From our article, you will learn in detail about this disease, its course, features of treatment and prevention.
23 July 2022
The main causes of back pain in the lumbar region in men and women, methods for its elimination and preventive measures.
20 July 2022
Folk methods and means for treating osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine at home. The most effective folk recipes.
16 July 2022
Types of arthrosis of the hip joint, causes and symptoms, treatment and prevention.
13 July 2022
Causes of severe pain in the back and spine. Methods for treating back and spine pain. What to do if your back hurts. What are the dangers of back pain? Treatments for back pain.
30 June 2022
Diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis can be treated at home if the patient adheres to the regimen, does not skip medication, performs the necessary exercises and visits a massage therapist.
23 June 2022
Chest pain, limited mobility, numbness - all these can be the cause of diseases such as osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. His treatment must be carried out in a complex, using various methods.
19 June 2022
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: causes, characteristic signs and symptoms, effective methods of treatment.
17 June 2022
Arthritis and osteoarthritis are common causes of joint pain and limited mobility. What is the difference between these diseases? Symptoms, stages of development and methods of treatment.
15 June 2022
Causes and symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Methods of treatment and prevention of diseases.
27 February 2022
Stages of development of cervical osteochondrosis and the main symptoms of the disease.
26 October 2021
The first signs of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Methods of treatment and prevention of this disease, answers to common questions.
23 September 2021
Cervical osteochondrosis is considered one of the most dangerous lesions of the spine, as a huge number of vessels and vital arteries and capillaries are concentrated in the neck area. We are talking about the complications of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
22 September 2021
Reasons for development and symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Degree of osteoarthritis of the knee, methods of treatment. Prognosis recovery and prevention.
22 September 2021
Cervical osteochondrosis is a pathological change in the tissues of the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae themselves. As a result, the soft tissues become thinner and the cushioning effect of the vertebrae is reduced. Compression of blood vessels and nerve fibers occurs, and the mobility of the cervical spine is reduced.
16 July 2021
Why did gonarthrosis develop? What stages does it go through in its development? Diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint - drugs, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises, surgery, folk remedies, nutrition. Prevention of gonarthrosis.
29 June 2021
The main causes of development, signs and symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Visual and hardware diagnostics. Drug therapy and drugs. How to prevent the disease: preventive measures.
28 June 2021
Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints, in which the articular cartilage is affected in the initial stages. Osteoarthritis statistics. Causes and development of osteoarthritis. Symptoms and stages of osteoarthritis.
28 June 2021
Osteochondrosis: characteristics and localization of the disease, classification and degree of manifestation of the dystrophic process in cartilage and joints. Typical signs and symptoms of pathology, diagnostic possibilities and methods of treatment. Preventive recommendations.
27 June 2021